Attending: Davis Bennett (DB), Sanket Verma (SV), Eric Perlman (EP) and Josh Moore (JM), Gabor Kovacs (GB), Jeremy Maitin-Shepard (JMS)
The team discussed the recent Zarr-Python releases, the upcoming V3.0 alpha, governance options for repository migration, and issues with datasets at Allen. They also talked about the NASA POWER blog post collaboration, Neuroglancer visualization, and V3 API changes.
- Zarr + NASA applications survey: https://github.com/zarr-developers/zarr-python/discussions/1930
- Zarr-Python 2.18.1 and 2.18.2 were released in the last 2 weeks - includes a couple of minor bugs
- Latest update: ZP V3.0 alpha aimed to release this week
- New blog post coming soon in collaboration with NASA POWER project - https://github.com/zarr-developers/blog/pull/57
Meeting Minutes:
- Following up on https://github.com/orgs/zarr-developers/discussions/70 - explored some governance options around repository migration/donation
- https://github.com/knative/community/blob/main/REPOSITORY-GUIDELINES.md#requirements-for-repository-donation
- https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/github-management/kubernetes-repositories.md#rules-for-donated-repositories - thoughts?
- DB: Fine with either one of those - would hate to move the Pydantic-Zarr twice
- JMS: Not a strong opinion
- DB: Would N5Store be a part of contrib model? SV: Most likely!
- EP and JM: Dropped in to say ‘Hi’ - currently attending OME meeting in Scotland
- EP: JM is selling Zarr amazingly at the meeting 👏🏻
- GB: Having some issues at Allen over at datasets
- DB: Is being hired at Allen to work on data pipeline stuff
- GB: Glad to know that!
- DB: Working on neuroglancer visualisation for point matches
- GB: Was focusing on point earlier but now moving to other stuff as well
- DB: https://github.com/d-v-b/pydantic-bigstitcher
- GB: There have been adjustments to microscope since the last winter - which causes distortions in the affine transformations - now working on to fix this and have been bit successful - still WIP
- NASA POWER blog post discussion
- DB: Neruroglancer array visualiser for POWER dataset: http://neuroglancer-demo.appspot.com/#!%7B%22dimensions%22:%7B%22lat%22:%5B1%2C%22%22%5D%2C%22lon%22:%5B1%2C%22%22%5D%7D%2C%22position%22:%5B205.5%2C277.5%5D%2C%22crossSectionScale%22:1%2C%22projectionScale%22:1024%2C%22layers%22:%5B%7B%22type%22:%22image%22%2C%22source%22:%22zarr://s3://power-analysis-ready-datastore/power_901_constants.zarr/FRLAKE/%22%2C%22tab%22:%22source%22%2C%22name%22:%22FRLAKE%22%7D%5D%2C%22selectedLayer%22:%7B%22visible%22:true%2C%22layer%22:%22FRLAKE%22%7D%2C%22layout%22:%224panel%22%7D
- JMS: Been trying to accomodate the coordinate viewing system - there have been requests from the Google employees
- GB: Wondering if there’s good documentation for Neuroglancer
- JMS: The format is prettly well documented - but also think that there’s a pending work needed for the documenation
- Zarr V3 API change
- JMS: The breaking change is fine when moving from V2 → V3
- DB: Please weigh in if you have any thoughts: https://github.com/zarr-developers/zarr-python/issues/1849