Attending: Davis Bennett (DB), Josh Moore (JM), Norman Rzepka (NR), Dieu My Nguyen (DMN), Dennis Heimbigner (DH), Sanket Verma (SV), Hailey Johnson (HJ), John Kirkham (JK)
Numcodecs 0.11 has been released with the support of Python 3.11. In addition, we’re planning to migrate the Zarr documentation to PyData Sphinx Theme; please look at the PR #1242. After sharing these updates, NR started a discussion on ensure_bytes by referring to PR #1285. Then DB had a question if anyone tried GPU direct storage, to which JK referred to a blog post which can be seen here. And we closed the year 2022 by asking everyone what they have been working on recently and their plans for the New Year!
- Meetings cancelled for next round and will start again in the new year
- New game: something exciting/helpful from the last two weeks
- violin, escape rooms, snow, trains, car parties, travels!
- numcodecs 0.11 release with Python 3.11 support; see #377
- PyData sphinx theme migration #1242
Meeting Minutes:
- (Tabled) async-zarr: https://github.com/martindurant/async-zarr
- Blog by Martin: http://martindurant.github.io/blog/async-zarr/
- Steps needed to release it as a package
- Transferring the repo under /zarr-developers?
- Writing tests?
- Adding Github actions?
- NR:
PR #1285- JK: trying to avoid copies
- F/C order wackiness ensues
- tldr: add try/catch block with fallback that does copy
- DB: anyone try GPU direct storage?
- JK: https://xarray.dev/blog/xarray-kvikio
- DB: and blosc, etc.?
- JK: blog didn’t compress. but the library supports some standard ones
- JM: some interest arising in ZFS. benchmarking needed.
- DB: anything that indexes existing chunks?
- NR: have a utility function over the storage keys (by listing the filesystem)
- in webknossos library
- SV: https://github.com/zarr-developers/zarr-python/issues/538 follow up?
- DB: will open a PR
- DB: discord?
- SV: using it for outreachy
- publicly opening a discussion on how/what/why/when/etc.
- DMN: will get in touch re: ZEP soon
- HJ: working on filters, scales & offsets
- 🎄