23rd November, 2020 (SPEC call)
Attending: Josh Moore, David Brochart, Matthias Bussonnier, Sylvain Corlay, John Kirkham, Ryan Williams
SC: Very late. Difficult if it gets moved later.
Earliest for Matthias? It’s fine. 5-6 AM
RyanW: 7-8 AM California until 7-8PM Frances
- Will try to move things around next time so it’s still not too long.
EOSS Presentation
1 minute & 15 minute
- 10min of presentation 5 of questions
- Accessible to broader technical audience
David: some slides that would be ok for 15 minute (3-4pp)
Matthias: 50% David, 50% Matthias, and a little shared context.
John: two short to split it into 3 parts.
BD: looking at xtensor-zarr slides
- NB: zarray as a dask-like experience on chunked arrays (i.e. beyond just the storage part of zarr)
MB to add his content to BD’s slides.
What is Zarr? (2-3 min)
Distributed arrays, implementation in python
More cross-language
- (clear distinction to “Zarr”)
Zarr v3
(Waiting on feedback)
Show current working implementation
Screenshots, etc.
RW: 10m. (a) Talk about the project (b) state of spec (c)
MB: can start & make the transition smoother
BD: agreed, too technical. Will simplify at a higher level.
JK: covering the points that were in the original proposal
- Not enough time to cover governance
JM: feel free to steal from “public zarr data”
JM: Should get everyone invited to slack. RW: will do.
RW: Recorded dress-rehearsal. Sync again next week?
JM: one minute pitch? MB: will try to do that as well.
RW: issue? MB: yes, then the recording can be available for others who aren’t there.
V3 spec sync-up (largely tabled)
MB: Delete changed to erase
MB: Distinction between writable and deletable
JM: Timeline?