21st October, 2020
Attending: Alistair (having trouble connecting), Josh, Matthias, Ryan Williams
- Ralf: grant ending in December, but should have funds until
mid-January (at current burn rate). Target date for the RC? For writing a report.
- Alistair: can we spend after the grant? No cost extension. Ryan:
assume that we can get one, but time to reach out.
Matthias: could show a draft and an implementation
- Who? Dario perhaps. Ryan will follow up with steering-council
- Ralf: grant ending in December, but should have funds until
- Need to work through details of whether or not implicit groups
stay implicit groups. Alistair: would find the right place to put it in terms of implementation details (rather than protocol itself) so that it doesn’t get overwhelming.
Matthias: less precise in the spec and then another document?
- Alistair: section at the end “implementation notes”? Sounds
- Need to work through details of whether or not implicit groups
RFC date?
- Alistair: Ready? Matthias: think it’s fine. Have gotten most of
the feedback as we’ve been going along.
- Requesting a quick read through by everyone.
- Current version as a release candidate
- Alistair to open an issue, tagging people, declaring RFC plan.
- Where to announce? GitHub, Twitter, CZI slack, Josh: image.sc
(for N5 community), …
- Label clearly (follow W3C “working draft” as leaving “editors’ draft”)
- Merge into master on zarr-specs
- Tweet, publicise (Quansight team as well)
- Blog post, declare RFC, talk about motivation, point to implementation work in C++ and Python, generate some community excitement
- Ask for feedback via github issues
- https://github.community/t/apply-labels-automatically-at-issue-creation/1218/5?u=joshmoore
- When: Alistair on leave next week. So target 2 weeks?
- Alistair: Ready? Matthias: think it’s fine. Have gotten most of
Josh: n5+s3+zarr
- Typing since voice seems to be rubbish this evening: [*n5-zarr
PR*](https://github.com/saalfeldlab/n5-zarr/pull/5/files) opened to deal with the same issue we had on the Zarr side of combining nested storage & S3.
- Typing since voice seems to be rubbish this evening: [*n5-zarr
Josh: leads to a question of whether we want people investing in v2 or v3
- Matthias: still struggling to keep v2 & v3 alive together (and
not a mess)
- More abstractions would be helpful. Then it would be easier for
people to move to V3.
- Alistair: agreed; and some refactoring is going to need to take
place. If people are willing, would be great to have a few people contributing. Shouldn’t put people off more than we must. But people need features in a production system.
Matthias: have tried to activate codecov on the org.
- Josh: dealing with developer expectation and making use of
- Alistair: focus on implementation work in Nov & Dec with goal by
EOY to have complete implementations (incl. C++) then by January decide if we need another round of feedback.
- Josh: great to have that messaging. Will pass that along to the
Java community so that we can try to target roughly the same timeline.
- Matthias: still struggling to keep v2 & v3 alive together (and
v3 dev call
John had a clash.
- Alistair also to have a clash at that slot once the clocks go
Find another time?
- Matthias: could everyone try to schedule on the same day if not
hour 30-60 minutes for making comments/review? I.e. async. (in written fashion)
Good idea. “Zarr Fridays”
Early mornings?
Async: https://w3c.github.io/wot/charters/wot-ig-2019.html#decisions
- Better:
- Better: