23rd September, 2020
Attending: Josh Moore, Matthias Bussonnier, Dennis Heimbigner, Martin Durant, John Kirkham, Alistair Miles
Matthias Question: Base store for all the stores:
- Many tests rely on behavior of “dict()”, where “MemoryStore” fails
(for example “Requires Parents”, … etc, which one is the “correct” behavior ? is anyone using `dict()`, outside of the tests ?
- Some other weird things with the consolidated metadata store that I
have to understand better.
- Josh: some concern about userspace breakage if expecting the base
class internally.
- John: originally used dict() since it’s the easiest thing that
should work.
- Martin: different code paths based on fallbacks where methods don’t
exist. But tests should work even with MemoryStore
- Matthias: detecting listable based on existing methods. Perhaps we
could make that an explicit attribute rather than checking for the existence of methods.
Can someone post a url for the MemoryStore API? [dmh]
- Alistair: people should be able to use a dict if they want to (a
superset of what a store must report). Matthias: except for listdir(). Martin: there are other MutableMappings that someone may want to use with zarr.
- John: useful to support MutableMapping. Azure for example can just
implement a standard Python thing.
Alistair: open immediately.
- Matthias will implement a Store Wrapper that takes mutable mapping
and exposes a Store will more methods.
Moving forward with a 2.5 release that is Python 3.5 compatible ?
- Alistair: any other (small/contained) PRs to get in? (Tend to prefer
infrequent releases)
- Matthias:
https://github.com/zarr-developers/zarr-python/pull/586 (looks good but seem to decrease coverage, would like a second +1)
- Try to enable https://codecov.io/
https://zarr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/contributing.html#release-procedure also look at pushing to GitHub releases.
- Matthias: use gpg keys locally? Not necessary. Alistair: tend to use
the “create tag” UI functionality.
Matthias: Reschedule Friday meetings?
- John to send out a doodle.