6th October, 2021
Attending: Josh, Ryan W,. Greg Lee, John K., Ward F., Hailey J.
Planning Poker, Life, Etc.
Ward: software sustainability for NSF solicitation (3yr)
- Pitching: adding parallelism to C (a la MPI) and adoption of
V3 (plus educational materials, etc.)
- Looking for collaborators. (Allen Cell Science, Janelia, …)
- Pitching: adding parallelism to C (a la MPI) and adoption of
Josh: moving forward on a couple of fronts
Discussion with Norman around prototype for sharding
- Discussion with xarray contractors around formalizing
- multiscale, _ARRAY_DIMENSION, tables (recent hackathon)
- Ward: have xarray compatibility on the main branch to be
released soonish (maybe in 4.8.1).
- Ryan Abernathey has recently joined the steering committee.
- Good to be part of those discussions
- Introducing new functionality – bit grooming (lossy compression) – improving compression rates by chopping of bits smartly
- cf. having the burden of enforcing e.g. cfconventions at the right location
- What is a convention & what is a technical obligation for people working with/on zarr.
- Josh: best idea so far is new repo that publishes to github
Ward: publishing best practices/guidance
- “Not rigidly enforced by software”
John: balance between extension & convention
Ward: extensions? see: /core-protocol-v3.0-dev/protocol/extensions.html
cfconventions are lexikon of metadata & a process for using them
e.g. precise terms to use for labelling data.
Josh: in comparison, extensions can change the behavior of code (`timestamp`s returned rather than `str`s)
Ward: map into/out of HDF5 for storing netcdf4 such that the HDF5 may not do you any good (without the netcdf library). This feels somewhat similar.
Away until the 12th
Feedback on PRs by then would be useful
BaseStore first if you can.
PR within the next week for codecs in netcdf library.
Ward: responsibility for netcdf-java in THREDDS…
ZSC: sign the document!
Outreachy update
accepted, 4 projects proposed
no contributors have showed up yet
might write up some of the even simpler things (survey)