
Attending: Josh Moore (JM), Sanket Verma (SV), Thomas Nicholas (TN), Alfonso Ladino Rincon (ALR), Davis Bennett (DB), Florian Ziemen (FZ), Norman Rzepka (NR), Eric Perlman (EP), Gabor Kovacs (GB)


The team discussed updates on the CZI EOSS6 application, upcoming Zarr-Python core-devs meeting, and VirtualiZarr project. Topics included improving chunk loading, cloud storage examples, monthly PR/issue meetings, and resolving ABSStore test failures.


  • CZI EOSS6 Application Update
    • Not funded
    • Looking for other grant opportunities if anyone has ideas
  • Zarr-Python core-devs assemble!
    • Please respond to the poll: https://whenisgood.net/tswj9kd (meeting timeline: 4/15-4/30)
    • Looking to get the people who don’t attend the meeting :smile:

Meeting Minutes:

  • Introductions w/ where did you grow up
    • Sanket - Delhi, India
    • Tom - Small village in english countryside
    • Alfonso - Bogota, Columbia
    • Davis - Chapel Hill, North Carolina
    • Eric - Berkeley, California
    • Josh - Fairhope, Alabama
    • Florian - Places in Germany and US
    • Norman - mid-sized city in Germany
    • Gabor - Chaperone, Hungary
  • VirtualiZarr
    • (Tom: Sanket told me to talk about it in this meeting)
    • repo
    • Zulip thread
    • TN: explains VirtualiZarr
    • DB: Pydantic model for Zarr?
    • TN: Yes, because it loads in-memory objects
    • DB: Made Pydantic model for Zarr: https://github.com/janelia-cellmap/pydantic-zarr - currently under Janelia but can ask to move it under zarr-developers
    • DB: Several class can be decorated in ZP-V3
    • DB: Would be super interested in VirtualiZarr - have already uploaded legacy data to cloud
    • TN: Would be good to go in a direction to have multiple readers for various file formats
    • FZ: One index file has all the metadata in Kerchunk - is there something in your package?
    • TN: Instead of storing chunks in disk you’re storing .JSONs in memory - which would be language agnostic
    • FZ: Have started using parquet instead of .JSON as it doesn’t scale up - TN: We can store in parquet as well
    • JM: Could write the filepaths/byte ranges into their own specialized zarr arrays - that would be scalable
    • TN: To deal with the scaling -
    • JM: Could place in must_understand flag while writing ZEP which looks up for Zarr
    • DB: Is concatenation always chunk aligned? - TN: Treating it as chunk aligned for now
    • DB: shares screen and shows test_array.py from VirtualiZarr
    • TN: Need to think a bit more about the implication of changing the concatenation style
    • DB: Will create an issue in VirtualiZarr for slicing issue
    • TN: Has there been any resolution? NR: Not yet, to not break the existing API
    • TN: Lazy indexing problem - see xarray for example https://github.com/pydata/xarray/issues/5081
    • EP: Will definitely take a look!
    • NR: Steps to standardise it?
    • TN: Waiting for Zarr-Python refactor to complete and then chunk manifest ZEP accepted
  • Monthly meetings to close issues and merge PRs
  • The tests related to ABSStore are failing with an internal server error azure.core.exceptions.HttpResponseError very frequently these days - any workaround?
    • DB: Pulling it out would be the best idea!
  • https://github.com/zarr-developers/zarr-python/pull/1714 - good to go?
    • Thanks, JM for merging!
  • ALR: shares screen and starts representing
  • DB: shares screen and shows PyDantic-Zarr new features