
Attending: Sanket Verma (SV), Thomas Nicholas (TN), Ward Fisher (WF)



  • Join ZulipChat: https://ossci.zulipchat.com/
  • HTTP Extension meeting took place on 3/14
    • Trying to figure out the best way forward, i.e. a ZEP or not
    • Guaging interest and use cases from others in the community

Meeting Minutes:

  • HTTP Extension
  • Showing VirtualiZarr (related to the “chunk manifest” ZEP)
    • TN: Been working on the packages for the last 2 weeks - could potentially replace Kerchunk
    • TN: code walkthrough via screen sharing
    • TN: Storing the virtual Zarr manifests, not the actual array values
    • TN: Could move class ManifestArray to Zarr-Python - arguments in favour and against it
    • TN: Could see donating VirtualiZarr to zarr-developers
    • SV: Action items
      • TN to create a topic for VirtualiZarr to gather feedback/comments
      • SV to try VirtualiZarr
      • TN and SV to work on ZEP Extension proposal for virtual Zarr manifest and formally present it for broader feedback