Attending: Sanket Verma (SV), Josh Moore (JM), Jeremy Maitin-Shepard (JMS), Ward Fisher (WF)
Meeting covers progress updates, resolution discussions for various Zarr specs pull requests, and status check on ZEPs with considerations for improving the review process.
- Happy New Year! 🥂
Meeting Minutes:
- Let’s go ahead with zarr-developers/zarr-specs/#276?
- This would help resolve zarr-developers/zarr-python#1582
- Good to go with?
- And close?
- Status of ZEP6, 7 & 8
- JMS: Will look at it sometime soon
- JMS: Also looking forward to the simplified version of ZEP0
- JM: In NGFF space we’re going away from single PR and merge thing as it becomes difficult to manage stuff
- JMS: GitHub is not well suited for resolving comments and stuff
- JM: The webpage becomes the official record of what was discussed and approved
- SV: Process for Tensorstore and Neuroglancer
- JMS: Open a issue and then PR - mostly me and my colleague working on stuff
- JMS: We have internal repository for the changes as well